Inheritance and polymorphism allows for code reuse (not rewriting the same code more than once).

The demonstration below focuses on the aspects of inheritance and polymorphism covered on the AP CS A Exam. The material is accurate; however, some precision has been sacrificed in exchange for ease of understanding.

Java files for each class are linked below.

Pet class

public class Pet
    private String name;

    public Pet(String pName)
        name = pName;

    public String getName()
        return name;

    public String toString()
        return "My pet " + name;

All pets have a name, so the functionality related to name is in Pet. Functionality that is shared or common belongs in a superclass. Pet will be used as a superclass.

Dog class

public class Dog extends Pet
    private String breed;
    public Dog(String dName, String breed)
        this.breed = breed;
    public String getBreed()
        return breed;
    public String toString()
        return super.toString() + " is a dog";

Dog is a subclass of Pet. A subclass contains functionality that is new or different from its superclass.

For more about writing a subclass, calling a superclass constructor, and calling superclass methods, see Dog class details.

Cat class

public class Cat extends Pet
    private Color color;
    public Cat(Color color)
        this.color = color;
    public Color getColor()
        return color;

Cat is a simple class similar to Dog. Cat does not override any methods of Pet.

Inheritance exercise

The code below appears in a client class (a class other than Pet, Dog, and Cat).

Pet p = new Cat(Color.BLACK);

System.out.println(p.getName());   // line 1
System.out.println(p.getBreed());  // line 2
System.out.println(p.getColor());  // line 3
System.out.println(p.toString());  // line 4
System.out.println(p);             // line 5

For each labeled line:

Inheritance exercise solution

Polymorphism exercise

Pet p = new Cat(Color.BLACK);

if(Math.random() < 0.5)
    p = new Dog("Clifford", "Big Red");

System.out.println(p.getName());   // line 1
System.out.println(p.getBreed());  // line 2
System.out.println(p.getColor());  // line 3
System.out.println(p.toString());  // line 4
System.out.println(p);             // line 5

For each labeled line:

Polymorphism exercise solution

Polymorphism with array exercise

Pet[] pets = new Pet[2];
pets[0] = new Cat(Color.ORANGE);
pets[1] = new Dog("Snoopy", "Beagle");

System.out.println(pets[0].getName());   // line 1
System.out.println(pets[0].getColor());  // line 2
System.out.println(pets[1].getBreed());  // line 3
System.out.println(pets[0].toString());  // line 4
System.out.println(pets[1].toString());  // line 5

For each labeled line:

Polymorphism with array exercise solution

Review the inheritance & polymorphism exercises with AP CS Tutor Brandon Horn.

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