Complete the GridTools practice problem before reviewing the solution.

Review the GridTools solution with AP CS Tutor Brandon Horn.

Part (a) blueNeighbors method

public List<Actor> blueNeighbors(Location loc)
    List<Actor> blueNeighbors = new ArrayList<Actor>();

    for (Actor neighbor : gr.getNeighbors(loc))
        if (neighbor.getColor().equals(Color.BLUE))

    return blueNeighbors;

Part (b) actorsWithBlueNeighbors method

public List<Actor> actorsWithBlueNeighbors()
    List<Actor> haveBlueNeighbors = new ArrayList<Actor>();

    for (Location occupiedLoc : gr.getOccupiedLocations())
        if (blueNeighbors(occupiedLoc).size() > 0)

    return haveBlueNeighbors;

Part (c) actorWithMostBlueNeighbors method

public Actor actorWithMostBlueNeighbors()
    List<Actor> haveBlueNeighbors = actorsWithBlueNeighbors();

    if (haveBlueNeighbors.size() == 0)
    return null;

    Actor hasMostBlueNeighbors = haveBlueNeighbors.get(0);

    for (int i = 1; i < haveBlueNeighbors.size(); i++)
        if (blueNeighbors(haveBlueNeighbors.get(i).getLocation()).size() >
            hasMostBlueNeighbors = haveBlueNeighbors.get(i);

    return hasMostBlueNeighbors;

Part (d) getEmptyWithinSpots method

public List<Location> getEmptyWithinSpots(Location center, int spots)
    List<Location> emptyWithinSpots = new ArrayList<Location>();

    for (int row = center.getRow() - spots; row <= center.getRow() + spots; row++)
        for (int col = center.getCol() - spots; col <= center.getCol() + spots; col++)
            Location loc = new Location(row, col);
            if (gr.isValid(loc) && gr.get(loc) == null)


    return emptyWithinSpots;